We are very excited to announce the start of the player recruitment campaign for the 2024-2025 season, and this is a very special season as we celebrate 65 years of rugby at CEU. We want to continue to grow our rugby family and we need your help to make it happen!

Our goal is to reach everyone who has an interest in this exciting sport and to be part of a team with values ​​such as camaraderie, respect, effort and commitment. Therefore, we have prepared promotional materials in various languages ​​and formats for you to distribute in your schools, universities, workplaces or neighborhoods. The important thing is to make rugby and CEU known to everyone who you think could become a rugby player!

How does it work?

Throughout the month of September, anyone interested can come and try the training for free and without commitment. It is a perfect opportunity to meet the team, the coaches and see first hand how we live rugby at CEU. Also, if you bring someone new and they join the club, there are benefits for both you, who will be the sponsor, and the new player.

It doesn’t matter if you have previous experience or not, the important thing is to have a desire to learn and enjoy this sport. We are open to everyone, regardless of level, age or physical condition. Rugby is an inclusive sport, where everyone has a place and everyone can contribute.

Help us spread the passion for rugby and make CEU an even bigger club!
Share our posters, encourage friends, and don’t hesitate to come and try! See you in the field!